INFICON, a company specializing in gas analysis, measurement and control, needed uniformity for the countless applications of its various international business units. VIEWSDESIGN was asked to create an all-encompassing human interface for their panoply of products, ranging from leak detectors with handheld sensors to browser-driven production controls. The variety of screens in various sizes, resolutions and technologies posed another challenge.
After careful analysis of the various process diagrams and mind maps, VIEWSDESIGN proposed a coherent structure of operation for all products of the various business units.
Once consensus was reached among all the parties involved, an innovative layout was developed. The intuitive operation allowed access to the top level from all screens by diagonal swiping, maintaining best use of available real estate and reducing steps in operation.

The result of this effort was documented in a style guide, helping software developers to create screens that would comply with VIEWSDESIGN’s guidelines for the variety of applications necessary.
The style guide contained detailed instructions about the use of color, typography, position and emphasis of elements and operation logic, all this in an attempt to make users feel familiar with all INFICON products from the first use on.